Monday, April 6, 2009

simple woman's gazette

Outside my window: the air is a bit cool but the God's coloring book has many great spring hues
I am thinking: about my daughters who are away from me today but will be here this weekend
I am thankful for: my children and their love for each other, the world and the Lord
From the kitchen: I made a special treat for my little ones today, fruit pizza
I am wearing: lounging clothes
I am reading: Joyce Myers book
I am hoping that the weather for Easter is nice and warm
I am creating plans for Easter weekend
I am hearing morning news
Around the house: laundry, straigtning up, deep clean daughter room while she is not here
One of my favorite things: is attending Sunday morning bible study with lots of great women
A few plans for the rest of the week: weekend will be the busiest but the kids will be busy with things they are doing with the church youth group
to join in head here


  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Thanks also for sharing your Daybook. My bible study is among my favorite things as well; it is made up of women about my age. I crave and enjoy their company and encouragement along my spiritual journey.

    God bless!

  2. thanks for stopping by my blog! I too am hoping for a wonderful Easter with WARM weather again! I hope you have a blessed week. I miss having a great group of women to go to, where we are right now it's hard so it was encouraging to read your daybook today!


  3. Thanks for visiting my blog. It is nice to meet you. I enjoyed your day book entry. God Bless

  4. Fruit Pizza yum. That's going on next week's menu! Thanks for stopping by!

  5. Hi! Thank you for visiting my blog. I wish you a very special week and Resurrection Sunday.

  6. "God's coloring book has many great spring hues" I just love this! Because it's so true! :)


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