Monday, April 6, 2009

Gathering At The Well: The Older Woman

Gathering at the Well is a weekly meme that allows us to share our thoughts with each other as we face our daily struggles in life and living for him.
Our Discussion Question This Week

How are you doing as an older woman?
Do you live in a way that is appropriate for someone serving the Lord?
How is your speech, your attitude?
Are you producing the fruits of the Spirit in your life?
If you can't answer a resounding yes!...then share with us what your starting point is in being an older woman who is well equipped to teach the younger.

I have difficulty in striving and acceptance in being an older woman. I am 38 years old but have 6 children who are all in their teens and twenties. Thus I began to early so when people look at my family they look at me as an older woman. My beliefs and trust in my Lord came quite early in my life as well so I have a strong relationship with my best friend my heavenly father.

As an older woman I believe that I do share my love with others and set a good example but can not say that happens all the time. Yes I do live in an appropriate manner and that is one thing that I strive for my life should be a shining example. However, there are those times that things happen and I know that I could try better. At those times I do not always think at the time it is after this though that I realize I may of offended someone and apologize imediatly.

It was so funny the other day when my brother who is 14 years younger than me asked me about the fruit of the spirit. It was because of a church related tee that my daugther was wearing. So we discussed the fruit of the spirit. love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control Looking at this in how I live my life I know that I love and am loved so that one is covered, Joy is often found but then there are those times that I just get a bit depressed and suffer with this. Peace is one that I strive to keep but there are times because family members suffer from bi-polar and other conditions that my peace wears thin. I believe I am very patient however, I need to work on this a bit more because my husband is often my conciene in this. Kindness and goodness are not hard for me because my heart reaches for those moments that I can help others. the last three are easy to maintain as well.

I had lots of fun looking into my own life would you like to share? Join in over here


  1. stopping by from At the Well. Great Post, thanks for sharing

    God Bless,
    Karen @ Lil Momma's Haven

  2. I'm so glad you shared your thoughts with us here At the Well today! Thanks for jumping in!

  3. I'm glad your little brother asked about the fruit of the Spirit. :o)

    Thanks for sharing your heart today!


  4. I love how God puts those times in our lives when he opens the door to share about Him!!!

    Thanks for sharing!



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