Monday, April 13, 2009

Gathering At The Well: Friendship of parent and child

Gathering at the well looks at the relationship of parent and child with emphasize placed on friendship. How do you feel about the subject? Want to know how I feel? Well I think.....
1 Samuel 1:26-26 "[Hannah to the Priest Eli] As surely as you live, my lord, I am the woman who stood here beside you praying to the LORD. I prayed for this child, and the LORD has granted me what I asked of him. So now I give him to the LORD. For his whole life he will be given over to the LORD

While as parents we must show admiration and lead our children we can not and should not live their lives for them. I must say that I see several parents doing this or to live their life through their child. Forcing a child to do something they do not wish to do can be determinate to them. A parents hope is that they will strive to do their best. But there are times that it seems that the wishes of a parent over ride that of the child. While at times support and growth in self esteem may be achieved through this often bad feelings and resentment are the results that are actually achieved. As Hannah prayed that her child be led by God so should we pray for our children.

For more viewpoints or to join in head over to At the Well here


  1. I see so many parents trying to live vicariously through their children. Sometimes I wonder if they're trying to make up for something lacking in their childhood? Not sure. Anyway, I loved your point about making sure they are devoted to the Lord. I thought Hannah's gifts to Samuel were so precious. Each year, just as we would give birthday presents, she had a present for him, too. I do this for all my closest friends, including the kids and Grands. Great post!

  2. Like you I have seen so many parents live their lives through their children and on the other hand I have seen parents that are
    completely absent. We need balance.


  3. Devoting them to the Lord. That's a good point. I like all the different angles different ones are sharing.


  4. I was a very young mother, and sort of grew up along with my kids. I know I made some mistakes, but I also did some things right.

    I enjoyed my girls and played with them a lot. I wasn't very strict but it didn't come easy for me, was so hard to be strict, I kind of left that for their dad. So, I think there could have been a better balance there.

    I did feel like a friend at times, but not as much as I do now that they are grown. We have good relationships. We love the Lord and share that together.

    They are more strict with their kids than I was with them, and I do think that is good. But there is a balance and it all should be done in love.

    I did a lot of praying and bringing them before the Lord, and I still do that today,...and also their spouses, and each of my 11 grandkids. My husband and I pray together for them all.

    Linda @ Truthful Tidbits


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