Friday, April 10, 2009

Friday Fragment

Daughter had a Birthday this week and I was very happy when everyone that visited to show up. Great family moral wish it was like that all the time
Kids have been out all week and week has passed by very quickly. It is not like in the old days when they were all younger and we would stay busy planning so many great activities. They have all grown.
My daughter and her family are coming down and she said she is bringing Peanut Butter Pie I know the kids love this pie and since she lives away from them they do not get it as much as they used to.
We had a radio auction that benefited the Lions in a near by town. I won a cook book, cannon flower bulbs, some fast food certificates and a baby quilt. I love these radio auctions you get great things at great prices
for more Friday fragments visit here at Half Past Kissin' Time


  1. Wow! You won some great stuff!

  2. Peanut butter pie?! I'll be there!

  3. Thanks for joining in this week! :) Sounds like a nice week. That peanut butter pie sounds really good about now... :)

    P.S. Here's a link to attach to your FF button:

  4. P.S. Tried to copy your button, but it wouldn't let me, for some weird reason??


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