Friday, April 10, 2009

Focus Friday

Focus Friday is a weekly meme hosted by thrifty and chic mom where you list what you are to do this coming next week. It is a way to keep you honest and focused on what you are to do

Here is what I have for this week:

  • My brother will be needing help at the shop this week so I will either go or my sister will but it will be my responsibility to get extra help there
  • recover from Easter weekend there will be plenty of cleaning to do
  • we will have to plan on going prom shopping next week as there are several things that we still need

Those are the top 3 things that are on the list that I can think of at this time. Do you want to make a list to keep yourself focused or read what others are doing? Visit the blog Thrifty and Chic Mom here


  1. Prom, Easter and shopping. I can relate! Hope that your Easter is blessed and that you accomplish these goals next week.

  2. Oooh! Prom shopping! Lucky!

  3. Prom shopping how fun! Good luck this week and Happy Easter!

  4. fun, fun fun!! Prom shopping, what an exciting time;)


I love comments so if you have a minute leave me your thoughts on the above post