Friday, April 17, 2009

Aloha Friday

It is Friday again the week seems to have been swept away in a hurry. Where does the time go. I guess that is why Hawaii celebrates Aloha Friday.
From An Island Life comes Aloha Friday.
In Hawaii, Aloha Friday is the day that we take it easy and look forward to the weekend. So I thought that on Fridays I would take it easy on posting, too. Therefore, I’ll ask a simple question for you to answer. Nothing that requires a lengthy response.
My daughter and son are getting ready for Prom and I would like to know if you could give them any last minute words what would it be? Neither of them are taking dates since my daughter concentrates on school work and does not take too much time for social life other than church events (her choice) and my son just broke up with his girlfriend. Please keep this advice family oriented because I would love to share it with them.
Do you have any last minute advice for my prom going teenagers?

Want to play along or join in or both? Head over to the blog An Island Life here


  1. I don't have any tips for you, but I'll be keeping up with any answers you get. I've got a son going this year too! :)

  2. Enjoy your friends and enjoy the music! Dance!!!

    Make the most of it because you will have to tell your own kids about it some day.

  3. Dance and have a great time with friends. Take lots of pictures. Act silly and laugh!! And please DANCE even if its with someone you might not want to.. You might be making their night! Have FUN!! The time will go so fast so cherish it!

  4. Honestly, don't spend too much money on it. Limo's and dinners and hotel rooms and dresses add up SO FAST! Sure, it's a once in a lifetime thing, but it's not nearly as important as events that come later in life. You can have a lot of fun without spending a fortune! Save those pennies for college text books instead, you'll need it!

  5. My advice would be enjoy the prom and have fun!

  6. Enjoy yourself, but act as if your father is in the room. :)

    Cherish the night and take lots of pics!

    And, most importantly, people do stupid things after prom that they may not normally partake in. Use your common sense and remember what your mom always told you. :)

  7. Have a great time w/ your friends & don't drink. Be happy & make the most of this time.

  8. Just be themselves and have fun. It's a once in a lifetime event.


I love comments so if you have a minute leave me your thoughts on the above post