Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Ruby Red Tuesday

This is the first time I am participating in the Ruby Red meme but since it is spring and I am longing for the good old days I thought I would share a few pictures you could of easily of found where I grew up. Growing up in rural farmland Illinois was alot of fun where farming was not an occupation but a lifestyle. Old red barns, (many brick and round) and the old red tractors dotted the backroads of where I lived

for more Ruby Tuesday visit the blog Work of the Poet here


  1. I love that old tractor. Absolutely fabulous and nicely captured. Well done! Happy RT and rest of the week also!

  2. Ms. Annie, I tried unsuccessfully to subscribe to your blog by e-mail. I can't seem to get it. Would you please subscribe me manually? I entered one of your contests today, and would be interested in reading your blogs. Thank you so much.

  3. Nice old tractor. And red for a tractor looks charming.

    Happy RT!


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