Sunday, March 1, 2009

great sunday giveaways

Here are the great sunday giveaways that I located on the great www

The soothie ranch hosting giveaway sponsored by Jack and Lilly shoes where the winner will recieve their favorite shoes.

The giveaway is hosting a great contest for a combi car seat. This looks great and I know lots of little ones who could use this.

The blog Organized Chaos offering 2 giveaways sponsored by photofiddle and the etsy shop whimzee glass both for really nice prizes.

The 1stopmom blog hosting giveaway for softlips something every girl needs.

Frugal mommy of 2 girls hosting giveaway for the etsy shop krafty kats. Stop by the etsy shop and see what the great products with prices to match.

The blog feisty, frugal and fabulous blog hosted giveaway for belly bandit a tool that helps gets the body back from pre pregnancy state also hosting giveaway for boojee beads as well as for the mama and me candles.

1 comment:

  1. I'll make sure I visit you on Sunday so I can add my give aways. Thanks for stopping by. I'll grab your button while I'm here and add it to my sidebar.


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