Friday, March 6, 2009

friday five

1. If your car/bike is wrecked (if your mass transit service goes belly-up), do you know what you would do to replace it, perhaps even have the car or bike you want already picked out?

I love it that we are able to walk to most things other wise we bum rides (which I hate) we are going without gas for a little while now

2. A client/friend gives you a lottery ticket, which wins you a prize worth (after taxes) ten times as much money as you earned/received last year. What will you do with it?

I would share with who ever gave me the card and then give 10 percent to tithes and then do something really nice since it is found money I can do with it as I planned not as I need to do

3. Fight or flee?

fight alot I used to be a fleer but now I fight

4. Someone performs a random act of kindness that is exactly what you need on a bad day. If you wish to pay them back, would you write a poem, bake, buy something, or what?

I would do a little bit of writing in a sweet note then use my kitchen to bake for them

5. Your manager commands you to pick a charity to contribute to. Do you resist? If not, which charity would be your first choice?

We are invloved in so much from muscular dystrophy, american lung association, special olympics to name just a few.

for more friday five visit here.

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