Friday, March 6, 2009

Aloha Friday

In Hawaii, Aloha Friday is the day that we take it easy and look forward to the weekend. So I thought that on Fridays I would take it easy on posting, too. Therefore, I’ll ask a simple question for you to answer. Nothing that requires a lengthy response.
My question today has to do with family. In my family even though I am not the oldest I am the one that everyone turn to for support and advice. I want to know are you the one in your family that turns to someone else or is it you who offers out wonderful advice?
For more aloha friday visit An island life blog here


  1. My sons are grown but they always come to me with questions.

  2. Guess I've always been the type of person that everyone confides in and tries to help out!

  3. Well I am the oldest and I must say they all turn to me! Sometimes I wish I had someone to turn to, but not often.

  4. I am not the oldest but I am the one with that is the most organized and together with my life. Afraid my brothers don't want my advice even though sometimes they could really use it.

  5. For keeping the family intact or information on family members my family turns to me. For financial or work advise they turn to my oldest sister. We share the load.

  6. Everyone seems to confide in me...but whenever I have a problem or need to talk I run straight to my mom!

  7. Actually my sisters & I share the load. We each have our strengths & so it's fun to talk to each other about what's up.

    But for sickie things my sisters all turn to me since I was an EMT however I ALWAYS turn to my Mom!

  8. Since I live close to my parents and my brother is out of town with his wife and daughter, I definitely get more of it. I hear about things here and see the dramas more than he does.

  9. I turn to my older sis for all the advice

  10. i'm the one people tell all their secrets to. sometimes i give advice. sometimes i just listen.

    my dad gives the excellent advice in the family. but he makes you work for it. he's a big fan of the socratic method

  11. I am the 2nd of 6 kids. I always go to my younger sister about kids. I was the last to get married and have kids.

    When we were younger (like when I was in my late 20's) they would almost all come to me, since I was the one who went away to school, was working, went on a church mission, and had more outer-environment experiences.

    Now we all seem to go to the sibling that has the experience we are seeking advice about. It is nice that we can all help each other out.

    I can always go to my parents too. They are a heap of knowledge and if they don't know, they usually can point me to the sibling that they think can help.

    Thanks for a very good question.


  12. Yes! I'm the one! I'm not the oldest either, but I'm like the Dear Abby of our family. LOL!

  13. honestly i think i might be the only sane person in my family. which is actually pretty scary if you think about it...

    but i dont give nor do i as advice of anyone in my family. we are not close.

    friends now, different story. they ask my advice a lot actually.

  14. We have a close knit family. Sometimes I seek family members for advice and vise versa.


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