Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Whats a Dame To Do Game Review

I was recently received the game Whats a Dame TO DO. I have to say that this is one of the best games that I had ever played. The Whats a dame to do game starts a conversation rolling quickly. I planned a party and invited a small group of my friends but because we all did not know each other the conversation was slow at first then as the game played on so did the conversation. It was so fun to discuss real life scenarios and what would you dos during the whats a Dame To DO game. Some of the great answers were supper funny.

The Whats a Dame To Do board game itself has a great look. The game board is round instead of the old regular square playing field. A circle stands for unending and this game seems to have unending fun. Directions being read are not a requirement because of the great video the Whats A Dame To Do game have created a great video on the Whats A Dame TO Do website. Thus the boredom of direction reading has been turned into a functional video.

When planning your next girls night out remember to include the game.

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