Thursday, February 12, 2009

Thursday Thunks

1. You are driving down the road and there is a puddle in the road. A big puddle. Not one that will really wreck your car or anything, but a big puddle. There is no other cars in front of you or behind you - do you drive through the puddle or drive around it?

I would drive around it after all I still have to wash the car and do not know what the water would do to the underside of the car

2. Go to Google Images, type in any word that comes to mind and post the 1st picture you see.
I posted the picture of puddle at the top of this blog. Like it? Makes me want to play in puddle and make mud cakes

3. A college calls you up and says that you have been selected to take get any degree that you want on their dollar.... what do you choose?
To complete the one I started teaching or social work
4. Are you blogging on a laptop or desktop?
5. Which store, excluding a grocery store, do you shop at most often?
6. My daughters tried out for the school musical last night. Were you ever in a school play/musical? Which one?
Yes I was in oklahoma in the 6th grade and several in elementary because everyone was
7. I read yesterday that a school PTA group wants to try to ban white bread, cakes, brownies or any other "treat" from their lunch menus... plus make kids' lunchboxes brought from home not include any "junk food". Thoughts on that one?
O.k but it will be just like drugs and the kids will find them and get them somewhere can you imagine cookie dealing before school lol
8. How many people can your kitchen table seat?
we have 8 chairs but have set up to 12 before
9. What time is it right now?
11:16 a.m
10. Walk out the front door of your house/apartment, turn right, walk 2 blocks. What do you see?
houses and a daycare center
Thursday thunk is a weekly meme you can find here

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