Thursday, February 19, 2009

thrifty thursday

I was visiting blog land and found this great meme over at The Cool Mom Blog. I love the idea and have decided to enter my own.
To save money we have started to do a few things lately. (1) walking to save on gas (2) making a menu and sticking to it and (3) setting a fun budget and staying with it

Walking to save on gas is one of the wisest decisions we have made. We have a grocery store that may not be as big as all of them but is only about 1/2 mile away. We can walk and buy groceries as long as we make the meal plan and shopping list of needs because we need to go every other day. Walking is better for my health and depression. The only problem is if it were to rain, ice or snow. That is why watching the weather has become important. If for some reason we see a problem coming up we will stock up a day or two prior to that day. Walking has started to save us money since we are using our own energy and not putting our money into gas.

Making a menu and sticking to it has always been the way I prefer to do things. Since we have been walking we now are able to make ourselves stick to the plan. We can make a menu and stick to it not only saves money but time. It also allows our children time to help out as well.

Setting a fun budget and sticking to it seems little to some but to me was a major decision. With 6 children I always would use money for fun and let something else go or break the budget. Since making the fun budget I now know exactly how much I can use on events and plan accordingly

That is a few of my thrifty Thursday tips to read more travel over to Cool Mom Blog

1 comment:

  1. That's a great idea, about setting aside 'fun money' in advance. That will keep you from dipping into other funds that should have been allocated into bills.


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