Thursday, February 26, 2009

Thankful Thursday

The thankful Thursday meme is a great weekly meme where we can place into words our thoughts about what we are thankful for.

This past September I found out that the shop my husband and I shared would have to be shut down. I was so worried about him that I forgot about myself. Somehow while worried about everyone else I slipped into depression and lost hope in many things. The only constant was my Lord was always going to be there and from him I would gain my help. Well through these last few months I did find myself depending more on him but somehow while not fully knowing it started to close into a shell. Yes we got through Christmas, I think because the Lord was there and my mind was not full of doubt and gloom. Well, recently I visited the doctor and he is a great friend of mine and suggested that I am a bit depressed. I reckon I am, was and did not want to be anymore. He said he could place me on meds but if I wanted to try other ideas first he would wait. I decided to exercise, proper diet and to change my sleep habits. Guess what all has worked better and now as they say I can see through the rain. I want to list a few things I am thankful for.

As always I am thankful that the Lord was by my side and without him could of been totally lost.

I am thankful that my church home all though I totally turned my back on them loved me enough to welcome me back.

I am thankful that the friends that I neglected never gave up and are still as close as they always were.

I am thankful that my mom even as she ages still has great wisdom in that gray head of hers. Wisdom that can carry her kids through the worst of times

I am thankful for the blessing of a granddaughter that helped me to stay sane even as I slipped away.

I am thankful for my husband, children, brothers and sisters who helped me when it is me who often help them.

Thank you for all you bloggers out there who i have made friends with. When worrying about others I reckon we do neglect our selves but then blogging was an outlet for me and you all were there for me. Thank you.

for me thankful Thursday visit the blog Grace alone.


  1. Praise God for never leaving you lonely.

  2. First, thank you for stopping by my blog today. I always enjoy "meeting" new friends. :-) Second, praising God you are feeling better emotionally and for the support you have with your family and friends. God is good even though sometimes it is difficult to see...I often go back to scripture to remind me of His attributes, which gives me what I need to put my trust in Him. Have a blessed TT!

  3. What a beautiful post of praise and thankfulness...

  4. What a precious post. I'm sorry you struggle with depression and pray you are feeling better soon. I've dealt with it since age 8 (I'm 38 now) but it's under control with meds. Happy Thankful Thursday!

  5. Having struggled with depression myself, I can appreciate along with you God's faithfulness in times of darkness. What a blessing to look back and see Gods' footprints with you all the way. God bless.

  6. You do have some wonderful blessings in your life. I am happy that you are able to see them despite the hardships you have faced.

  7. Hi Angela,

    Wow, you have an amazing support system and the Lord surrounding you. I am inspired by your story. You are rich in these relationships and I am glad you are seeing some daylight..

    Thank you for sharing from your heart.

  8. praise god! and keep the faith!

    thanks for visiting my TT

  9. Thanks for sharing TT with me and for your list-very nice and very thankful- you have many people with you what a blessings- shows the kindness of your heart. Be blessed with peace, joy and love

  10. Praising the Lord with you! Thank you for sharing your thankful heart and blessing my blog with your visit.



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