Tuesday, February 24, 2009

talented tuesday

This little girl behind the large cake is my niece Autumn. I love her very much and since she just celebrated her first birthday I thought I would share a bit about her many talents.
Autumn Faith Stewart: Daughter of my dear brother and his wife (one of my best friends).
Talents: attracting the whole rooms attention, being cuter than cute can be and beating up her brothers LOL.
Latest talents: pulling up to standing position and walking with assistance.
Past talents: holding bottle, crawling, making everyone chuckle and being a terrific baby sister, daughter, granddaughter and niece.
Autumn Faith Stewart I will always love you. Happy Birthday to you and may the rest of your life be as special as your first year was. You have a large family that loves you and a mommy, daddy and 2 brothers who will always take care of you. Not to speak of the Grandmas, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, and special friends that will make sure you are just fine.
for more talented Tuesday visit the two of a kind working on a full house blog


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