Saturday, February 28, 2009

Small talk 6 is a weekly meme over at where a subject is suggested and we are to list the 6 things that come to mind

this weeks them is 6 things that never fail to make you smile

1. seeing my wonderful grandchild that is such a treat even just hearing her over the phone will place a smile on my face I am sure

2. seeing my children having fun together, nothing is better than seeing the ones that are having fun

3. seeing my nieces and nephews are always a blessing and one that I always look forward to

4. watching an individual walk the aisle at church and accept salvation. To know heaven just recived another reservation makes my soul smile

5. a comment left on my blog is always a great thing especially if that comment is a good one

6. an email from a friend or fellow blogger in a delightful manner

for more small talk 6 answers check out here.


  1. What a wonderful list! Family always makes me smile too. And, of course, comments are great too.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  2. What a great list! It sounds like you are very lucky to be surrounded by such a family.

    Thanks for playing!!


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