Saturday, February 21, 2009

saturday nine

1. Where would you go if you wanted to spark your creativity?

I would stay at home the things I see and do with my kids enlighten many ideas

2. What would be one thing that would embarrass you a great deal?

not many things embarrass me but when hubby starts talking about how good i look seems to do just that

3. What values did your parents instill in you?

Respect, I have to say they installed respect for others elders, poor, with respect comes dignity and belief. One of the best things was by them taking me to church when I was young it helped install something in me

4. What’s a fad of your teen years that you remember well?

Balloon pants, hot bright makeup, hats, vintage clothes I grew up in the 1980s what do I not remember

5. What is your favorite breakfast?

when someone else cooks is always nice but normally i drink coffee and eat toast (just realized my mom does same thing)

6. What is the best birthday gift that you have received?

Believe it or not being remembered. My mom remembered my birthday one year when because of children being sick I had forgotten it. I love her for little things like that

7. What gadget could you not live without?

computer, right now it is like a life line to me

8. Do you collect anything?

raggedy Ann and Andy dolls love them and also lots of vintage items

9. What website (non-blog) do you regularly visit?

myspace if that counts, sometimes recipe sites as well

for more Saturday nine visit here


  1. Anything someone would cook for me would be a great breakfast, too! Have a great day...

  2. Isn't that the truth that the computer is our lifeline...have a good Saturday

  3. I think your hubby sounds very sweet and romantic!

  4. i only have one raggedy anne doll.

    thanks for the visit.


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