Monday, February 23, 2009

monday menu

This week we see the end of one week and the beginning of another
next month i have decided to go back to a system of menu planning where i have a theme for each night so next week be sure to visit to see that themes I come up with

Here are the suppers for this week:
ribs, cheesy potatoes, pb pie
cheeseburger mac, salad, rolls,
pancake, sausage, baked apples
sloppy joes on bun, potato spears
chicken and dumpling, biscuts
shepherds pie, biscuts
out to eat the first of the month

we will be using leftovers and meals left out for breakfast and lunches this week. New set up next week and for more monday menu visit here.

1 comment:

  1. I'm making Chicken and Dumplings too :) Talk about comfort food for long winters


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