Friday, February 13, 2009

In Hawaii, Aloha Friday is the day that we take it easy and look forward to the weekend. So I thought that on Fridays I would take it easy on posting, too. Therefore, I’ll ask a simple question for you to answer. Nothing that requires a lengthy response.

My question this week is what do you plan on doing for valentines day?

My answer is that we will share a family feast. I will have this earlier than normal though because my mother and brother are going to a concert and my daughter and son in love will be going out as well. Not sure if any of my other kids have plans yet.But I know where i will be after supper me and my husband will be babysitting our little valentine.

Want more Aloha Fridays or maybe join in head over to Island Life and play along


  1. A movie and dinner and red roses!

  2. May file for divorce if he doesnt get me patio furniture since he got his stupid

  3. We will be doing nothing. It is just another day in our house.

  4. Probably not doing anything special. May get something for dinner to have after the kids go to bed. The big spending yesterday for a fridge and going to Disney World probably mean no meal out.s

  5. I am single. :-( I am treating myself to getting my hair done and a pedicure!!

  6. We're driving an 1 1/2 away to pick up Grandma & Grandpa! Before we get them we'll probably hit a movie & do dinner since their plane doesn't land until 9:20pm!

  7. Take my wife to a Italian pastry for breakfast, go shopping, go to a fancy chocolate shop to nibble, more shopping, eat a nice ethnic lunch (or steak if she prefers), go home and watch a romantic video together. Then give her a card and necklace. Probably will end the evening with me cooking supper.

  8. No special plans. My oldest has dance class. Maybe we'll go out to lunch or something.

  9. I think I'm going to do some baking. Hubby always works that day so I'm on my own but that's ok. I'm used to it.

  10. We are going out to dinner and maybe catch a movie.

  11. Going to my granddaughters birthday party!! Then dinner and a movie!

  12. A quiet evening with my husband.


I love comments so if you have a minute leave me your thoughts on the above post