Wednesday, February 11, 2009

a few new giveaways

Giveaways, a great way to have fun and get great items as well. Not only do giveaways offer those entering something but also the sponors of the giveaways. Sponsors need attention to be given to their products and here are a few sponsors of todays giveaways;

Sweeps 4 bloggers hosting giveaway sponsored by Denny's for $10 gift card
2 of a kind working on a full house hosting giveaway sponsored by Glade for a glade sweeper
A busy mom on the go blog hosting giveaway sponsored byGem Affair for a heart pendant set
Does Mommy Love it blog hosting giveaway sponsored by Mommystars shirt for a shirt.
There Once Was A girl BLog hosting giveaway for $50 gift card.
An Island Life hosting giveaway for threadless tee.
mudpies and maryjane blog hosting giveaway for honeydrop drink and tee sponsored by honeydrop

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