Saturday, February 14, 2009

Bummas Review

I found the perfect wipe for your little babies bottom. These wipes are called bummas and they are so soft that wiping your babies bottom will feel tender and refreshed.

Let me tell you a bit about the bummas. Bummas were created out of necessity when the founder needed a soft wipe for her babies bottom. She was offered several bits of advice but never exactly what she was looking for. She created these soft absorbent cloths to be what she was looking for. Just the right touch to dry her little guys bottom. Thus she created bummas.

My granddaugther recently had a stomach virus and these tender Bummas wipes worked great against her bottom. Regular wipes often contain cleaning agents that will burn your babies bottom but these soft Bummas wipes were great. So when stocking up your needs for new little one remember bummas wipes.

Bummas wipes come in 4 attractive collections. These 4 collections are (1) the girls, (2) the boys, (3) the wild ones, and (4) calm ones. The girls are hues of pink just like girl wipes should be pretty and pink. The boys contain hues of blues and greens after all blue and greens naturally blue is for boy. The wild ones are an assortment of the brighter colors a mixture of all. The calm ones are remind me of the cool days of autumn browns greens and oranges. You can pick your favorite. I chose the girls because Katelynn my granddaugther is a princess to us.

Great reason why you should use bummas include (1) Bummas eliminates the use of talcum powder. as a nurses aide for many years talcum powder when mixed with urine has the ability to burn
(2)Bummas wipes are 100% Cotton - Woven Velour Terry Cloth. Nothing softer than terry cloth I love the summer shorts that I have had for many years that are terry cloth so imagine what your baby will feel when you wipe your babies bottom with soft terry cloth bummas wipes
(3) Bummas wipes are Handy 5” x 7” size. Just the right size to use on the baby
(4) Bummas wipes are durable. Just throw them in the washing machine and use them again.• Won’t pill, shrink, or fade. These are great and come out of wash as soft as they went in
(5) Bummas wipes will last until your little one is out of diapers and beyond Great lifetime for baby wipes when you normally are used to tossing them out after use.

Other great uses for bummas wipes include (1) using them for burp cloths (2)great for little noses. (3) Great for baths as a baby wash cloth!

With all this great information how could you not try Bummas wipes.


  1. I just got to try Bummas out and I love them!

  2. Happy Valentines Day!

    Check out my first birthday bash at Custom Blog Designs. There will be a blog makeover giveaway, blogging tips, and fun!


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