Friday, February 20, 2009

Alohoa Friday Feb 20

In Hawaii, Aloha Friday is the day that we take it easy and look forward to the weekend. So I thought that on Fridays I would take it easy on posting, too. Therefore, I’ll ask a simple question for you to answer. Nothing that requires a lengthy response.
My question this week is:
I have been thinking allot about spring coming up do any of you do allot of spring cleaning when it finally gets here or do you just love to get outside?
I do a bit of both I love to be outside but then a new urge for fixing my house up hits once again. It is like thawing in a way.
I cant wait to see what you all have to say
for more Aloha Friday visit and Island life


  1. I do both too! This year there is more cleaning as we have alot of painting to do. Also have several remodeling plans to get done!

  2. I do a bit of spring cleaning, but mostly I just want to get outside!

  3. We are trying to sell our house so we have been cleaning alot lately!! BUT we also love being outside! Our little girl just turned 1 so its actually fun to go outside and walk around the block with her!

  4. Both here as well. I like cleaning house in Spring, but I love to be outside doing projects, too.

    Happy Aloha Friday!

  5. Both, I love to get outside. But I also like to get the window scrubbed of all the winter crud, curtains washed.(and hung out to dry) I am longing for spring now

  6. Both. Clean the house, purge, rotate clothes from winter to summer, and then get out and do the yardwork, and enjoy the work I have done.

  7. Yes I clean major .. I actually already started this week.. Living here in the desert makes it harder..I think because all dirt/sand sits on the windows.

  8. I do a lot of my cleaning in the winter when I am trapped in doors. I can't wait for spring so we can get outside. I have big plans for my flower beds and garden this year.

  9. I love the outdoors--and it way more appealing then cleaning, but I'm going to have to do a serious purge and clean this Spring to catch up with all my laziness after my son was born!

  10. We just started our pre-Spring cleaning. Got rid of a ton of things and ready to begin phase two soon.

  11. I do the whole spring cleaning thing! I am not really an outdoorsy person until the weather gets up into the 80's ( i know... a bit prissy of me ) but i hate the cold.. so i will stay bundled up in my warm house even if that means cleaning it until summer shows up!

  12. Outside! I have cabin fever now, and so do my daughters! I love playing outside with them and going for a run. BUT, I probably will do a bit of spring cleaning too - though it's not my favorite!

  13. This year we just bought a new home and I can't wait until its warm enough to get outside and work in the yard and decorate the outside with landscape and patio furniture.

    I am sure I will be doing a good spring clean inside too!

  14. I don't have time for regular cleaning much less spring cleaning...I love to be outside and watch my boys will be interesting to see my daughter this spring - she is just turning 7 months.

  15. I think spring prompts me to give away, throw away and put away but I can't say that I really do a "spring cleaning."

    Thanks for stopping by my site. John 3:16 wraps up the entire message of the saving life of Christ, doesn't it? Blessings. Stop by again when you get a minute.

  16. Outside . . . if for no other reason than I need to air out. :)

  17. We don't exactly have Spring but I always appreciate a clean house and well kept garden.


I love comments so if you have a minute leave me your thoughts on the above post