Wednesday, February 11, 2009

ABC Wednesday

ABC Wednesday is a weekly meme held over here

I have started late and this week they are already on the letter D. SO I choose diabetic diet
I am a diabetic and can only tell you that if I had found out 20 years ago that I was a diabetic I would of not of been as happy as I am now. The world has changed and Splenda has been invented. If you have never used splenda let me tell you it is truly the next best thing to sugar. It taste great. You can cook with it or simply use it as you would sugar. Diabetes is not a fun thing but if I had to be one I am glad that there is splenda.

1 comment:

  1. I don't have Diabetes but know people who are, I don't know how I would cope with it, I have such a sweet tooth. I hope Splenda is giving you commission!!


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