Sunday, January 25, 2009

Saturday 9: what's cooking

Saturday 9: What's Cooking?

1. Which meal is the one you cook best?

I cook lots of meals but one that they love the best is meatloaf, mashed potates, peas and dumpcake

2. Tell us what you would never eat.

chinese food to many stories

3. Is your hometown famous for anything or anybody?

yes the little drummer boy of shiloh was born there and died in the cival war. Also has a cemetary full of graves of civil war soldiers

4. Can you play a musical instrument?

yes clarinet

5. Tell us about your second ever lover.

always been the same one since age of 16

6. What is your favorite restaurant?


7. If it were your call, how often would you make love?

Several times a week husbands call would be like when we were younger several times a day

8. What famous person would you like to have dinner with?

Abe lincoln or Jesus

9. Tell us about your job.

Right now I am a mom but have been a nurses aide for 13 years in the past

for more go here

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