Monday, January 5, 2009

new casserole for supper

Make Something Monday

At our house we have all decided to cut back and eat healthy. Now having 6 teens that is a bit hard to do for them to go without all the things they are used to. Tonight I created a new casserole that was healthy for them but was a bit of what they loved. I made my healthy frito pie

1 lb hamburger (on sale this week 1.45)
1/2 onion, chopped (.17)
shredded cheese (1.50)
2 can tomato sauce (.50)
1 can chilli (.79)
1 can chilli beans (.59)

Browned first 2 Mixed last 3 and seasoning placed in casserole. Placed a thin layer cornchips in a 9x13 pan and layered the mix of veggies and meat over chips. I then placed cheese over that and topped with crushed chips. Now it may not seem healthy to you but in the past would have probably about 3 cans of chilli and 2 bags of chips with about 3 lbs hamburger. To make this and them be like it and not complain really made me feel good

For more make something monday check out Go Grahams Go and Jolly Mom
For more Tottally Talented Teusday head over to Two of a kind working on a full house
for more $5 meals head over to $5 dinners
recipes also available over at thrifty and chick mom


I love comments so if you have a minute leave me your thoughts on the above post