Saturday, January 24, 2009

giveaway: leg warmers

I am a gal from the 70s and 80s and have wore mini skirts and leg warmers and sometimes even wore them togethter. Now leg warmers are making their way back among the young people and I love it. In this type of weather everyone needs to stay warm and leg warmers can help do exactly that. There is one new thing about leg warmers and that is the companies that are creating them. For instance mamarunswithscissors is an etsy shop that creates leg warmers. Two of a kind working on a full house blog wrote a review for this great etsy shop and also offer a giveaway for a pair of legwarmers. If you are interested in comparing leg warmer companies you can check out the babylegs giveaway hosted by life in a house of blue and sponsored by babylegs.

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