Wednesday, January 7, 2009

give away: new moon girl sub

Did you have an older sister? Did you share alot of information or get helpful tips from her? Well I had a younger and a older sister but with the difference in years we really did not get along all that well and thus did not talk. I used friends which was not always all that great and sometimes helped but sometimes got me in trouble. The New Moon Girl Magazine is a magazine for girls that gives great helpful tips YOu can win a subscription to this magazine by entereing the giveaway over at 3 kids and us.

1 comment:

  1. Howdy! Love your blog...actually been looking for the cheeseburger pie recipe again..have not made that in a LONG time...Yum!
    I have something I would like to ask of you...could you stop at my blog profile and drop me an e-mail when you have time!


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