Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Claiming the word faith for 2009

My word for 2009 would probably be faith. Faith is one thing that I have when it comes to matters but often faith is one thing that I need more of. In 2008 we had many outcomes where if it were not for faith then we would not of made it out as well as we did. During 2008 we watched my daughter go through a challenging pregnancy, my granddaughter go through an illness which was there then miracously disappeared, watched my husband as he said goodby to his mother (who at times often felt like she was my mother), watched as our business which seemed so great was taken away from us when we could not afford the hike in rent. But faith carried us through all of these things and I know that faith will carry me through all that we face in 2009. Faith to me is the belief in the love of God who allthough allows us to face struggles carries us in his hand and will never let go of us. That is why faith is my word for 2009.

Looking for a word that fits you you may just find it over at the Tip Junkie.


  1. My sister just sang Be Still and Know that He is God Sunday at church! Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog!

    Happy new year!

  2. What a great word...if we all had more Faith~how much easier our days would be?! Came by from Tip Junkie. Happy New Year.


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