Thursday, December 18, 2008

I am thankful for my Lord

I am thankful for some many things in my life

1. I am thankful for my Lord that is always right where I need him right here with me, I do not need to be afraid because the Lord can beat all that I am afraid of

2. For my son getting and retaining a job (it is so funny that during family prayer time one of my children praised God for this)

3. For the food that I recieved today it was to be enough to cover 6 days and I made a meal plan out of it to cover 10 days.

4. For the fellow bloggers and friends I am making that are teaching me economical ways of stretching my money, food and how to make my self, home etc look better and me feel better

5. For friends at church that taught me how to love and act as a christian and accept me for who I am

6. For God who has planned my life, allready knows the path of my life but allows me free will to make my own choice

7. For the grace and forgivness I recieve from the Lord if I mess up

8. For the school district we live in that respects me not fears me
9. For my children getting older gaining respect for themselves
10. For my husband who helps me with every aspect of my life
11. For my daughter who does not need designer clothes but looks nice anyways
12. For my sons girlfriend who respects my son and wants to do things for him
13. For my father in law who lost his wife in august but is taking on the christmas gathering in order to hold his own respect

This week seems to be about self respect, respect for others, and respecting others

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merry monday
My Pinterventures


  1. What a lovely thankful post! God bless!

  2. Thank you for visiting and for following my blog. It's nice to make a new blogging friend. I love your Thankful Thursday list, especially #1. I totally agree with you.


  3. Great list! We have much to be thankful for. :)


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