Friday, December 26, 2008

After Christmas Shopping

Did you go shopping today, the 26th of December. I had a friend from England who loved this day and called it boxing day. I believe she told me that this was the day that all the servents etc.. had the day off and celebrated christmas I believe I will look this up. Anyways the news shoes those who went shopping made great deals. We spent the day fixing busted water pipes but all I can say is YES!!!! After 3 days of no running water it feels good to have it again. My girls are spending the day at their aunt and uncle and just came home to pick up gift cards and yes I believe they may do a bit of shopping tonight. You know its good when your kids learn how to save.

1 comment:

  1. I too have got my new leather shoes from Amazon, they are too good & never hurt my feet.


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