Thursday, August 16, 2012

1. What's the one thing you but every time you walk into the store?
milk is nearly always bought if not always bought

2. If you had a day all to yourself how would you spend it?
sleeping would be good, taking a walk and maybe treasure hunting in junque places

3. Are you a speed limit driver? If not, over or under?
dont drive

4. What's your favorite dessert to make, homemade or from a mix??

peach crisp or strawberry shortcake

5. Would you rather have a spider or a mouse scurry across your face (no copping out and saying "neither!!")?
oh yuck would choose a tiny spider if any
played here

1 comment:

  1. Strawberry shortcake brings back memories for me. I love it. Growing up we had strawberry short cake when my parents had a little extra money. It was always special for us.


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