Monday, July 26, 2010

Do You Plan Your Meals

Do you know what you are eating tonight, tommorow, the next week? Well I for one hate to wake up in the morning get to lunch and not know what supper will be. As the mother of a large family it is my responsibility to get supper on the table and know what the plan is for the next night as well as the rest of the week and if it is a good time period even the month. So why do I like to know what we have planned?

  • I shop either one time a week or once every 2 weeks. Knowing what the meal plan is allows me to puchase what is neccessary.

  • Meal Planning relieves a lot of stress because I know what the meals will be and I also know that the ingredients needed are in the kitchen

  • You will know how much time the planned meal will take to fix allowing you to have more say on how your time is spent.

  • It allows me to plan meals on the nights that I will not be home and my kids can fix the meals that they know how to make.

Now you know why I create a meal plan and the benifits a meal plan can give you Here is my meal plan for this week.

  • roast and potatoes, roll, pudding

  • fish, mac n cheese, ice cream

  • chicken wings, salad, dressing, pudding

  • meatball sub, coleslaw, ice cream

  • cowboy beans, cornbread, coleslaw, jello

  • hash, bread/butter, peas, fruit

  • barbq, beans, cornbread, cobbler

What will you be having?

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