Friday, July 30, 2010

Aloha Friday:

Aloha Friday is a meme hosted by the blog An Island Life and is hosted by Kailani. Kailani shared with us that in Hawaii Fridays are reserved for day of rest to prepare for the busy weekend. In this meme bloggers ask each other easy questions that require easy answers.
I have been working with my family the entire week at bible school. My question for you today is:
Is there an activity that you do as a family to give back? What is it?


  1. I wish there was. I want to start volunteering at a local animal shelter :)

  2. Thanks for following me - following you now too.

    I donate some clothes to charity. And my daughter belongs to the Girl Scouts - and her troop has done some things for the soup kitchen and the troops, etc.

  3. I wouldnt call it an activity but we try to give and help out our neighbors and the womans shelter.


I love comments so if you have a minute leave me your thoughts on the above post