Friday, January 9, 2009

Focus Friday

Thrify and Chic Moms has started a weekly post titled Focus Friday and challenged each of us to make a focus list of sorts
THis week I need to
1. finish up the last 2 week meal plan for January
2. finish plans on my mothers birthday party plans for January 24
3. make a birthday list for 2009
4. start a gift list since I have been buying gifts but not for sure what all I have

I need a group like focus Friday to focus on what I need to do. You can see more list of what folks are focusing on at thrifty and chic moms


  1. I found your blog from the Mr. Linky on the focus friday. It looks like you have a busy month. Good luck with all your planning and inventory!

  2. Thanks for participating,I like the idea of a birdthay list I need one of those. Good luck I look forward to your update!

  3. Those are great goals and good luck with the birthday party!

  4. Great plans and thank you for the idea of making a birthday list.


I love comments so if you have a minute leave me your thoughts on the above post