Monday, January 5, 2009

Not me Monday

This is my first time writing a not me monday post but I thought it sounded like so much fun that here goes. You can read more over at My Charming Kids.

This past week has not been so much fun playing games and taking it easy with the bunch of teens that I call my childrn. I did not play cranium like 4 times this past week and I did not loose each time that I played. I did not try to draw a monkey blindfolded and it did not end up looking more like a starfish.

Today is not the first day back at school. I am not startled by how quiet this house is today. NO not me. I would not miss my children and cant wait till they get back home.

Hubby and I did not take the challenge to loose weight and have healthier lives. It is not me who is a diabetic and had been ignoring meds and diets so much that sugar was in the 400s. I am not happy that now back on meds and diets that it has reached the 100 mark again. I am not happy that it looks like the food budget may be cut back if we continue to have a spirit of cutting back and loosing weight and this has not affected my children having them take more interest in exactly what they are eating.

I was not happy to have nice warm weather over the break. No not me it was not me who did not have to wear a jacket or enjoy taking walks. No it is not me that wishes that those temps would come back.

Oh and it is not me that has been keeping cookie dough that her athlete son sold to make funds for the team in my freezer. No it is not me that was so happy that her son sold 20+ boxes of cookie dough. It is not me that 7 more of those boxes of dough are out of my freezer and headed to school teahers today.

IF you want to read more not me Mondays head over to My Charming kids

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