Sunday, July 10, 2016

Support Fragile X Syndrome

Fragile X syndrome is a genetic condition. It can cause a range of developmental problems that include learning disabilities and cognitive impairment. Males are often more severely affected by the disorder. 
A delay of speech and language are often present. Mild to moderate intellectual disabilities are often present as well. Children with fragile x syndrome often have anxiety and hyperactive behavior such as fidgeting or impulsive behaviors. Attention Deficit disorder where the child has an impaired ability to maintain attention and difficulty focusing on specific tasks is present as well. Those affected with Fragile x syndrome may also have autism disorders where communication and social interaction abilities are hindered. 

Most boy children and about 1/2 of the girls with fragile x syndrome will have physical features that become more apparent with age. Long and narrow face, large ears, prominent jaw and forehead, flexible fingers, and flat feet are all physical signs.


  1. Oh, wow! I've never heard of this before. Thank you for sharing this!

  2. This is interesting. I've never heard of this before either.

  3. I had no idea this existed. It sounds like a real challenge for kids and parents both.

  4. I've never heard of this before. I don't think I've ever seen a child with this. This is some great information.

  5. Great article and info!

    It's interesting to me how so many childhood disorders seem to have overlapping symptoms. There must be an underlying common denominator. I think in time research will reveal that.

  6. Never heard of this before until now

  7. I've heard about this before but not in detail, it's good to learn about things like this. I didn't know it was called Fragile X. This is very good info, really.

  8. Wow, thank you for sharing. I've heard of this before, but I'm not very familiar with it n

  9. I have never heard of this before. Thank you for making us aware of this and bringing attention to something we need to know about.

  10. Never heard of this before - as many others have said. Being who I am, I will not be focussed on it though. Thanks for sharing anyhow. :)

  11. This is my first time to heard about X Fragile it sounds good information for kids.

  12. I have never heard of Fragile X syndrome before & it is so scary to read the problems associated with it. Such a great information on creating awareness about the symptoms related to it.


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