Thursday, July 23, 2009

Cheaper than Therapy

This is princess getting a bath in the kitchen sink. I used to give my children baths this way all the time. She loved it. Want to share pictures of yours that tell a thousand words then head over to the blog Cheaper than Therapy and join in the fun
Cheaper Than Therapy


  1. I love it! It must be bath day :)

    When we had our remodel done we got an extra deep sink just for this purpose!

  2. I remember when they were small enough to do that! So sweet!

  3. I used to give my daughter baths in the kitchen sink. She wouldn't hear of it with her son, lol.

  4. I did the same with my 3 and will do the same with the one on the way. Don't worry, I rinsed out all the tuna casserole first. ;)


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