Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Day for Forgiveness


Are you in search of forgiveness or is there someone ort something you need to forgive?? Today may be the perfect day for that. Today, June 26th is National Forgiveness Day. It is a day to offer forgiveness to all that need it. One of the best examples of forgiveness can be found in the bible with many different stories both old and new testament. One of the best examples may be Jesus hanging on the crowd forgiving all.

Forgiveness is good for many health benefits as well. Not holding grudges and rather offer forgiveness offers reduced stress, reduced anger and anxiety and lowers blood pressure as well. The decision to release feelings of resentment can bring peace and understanding to the life of the individual forgiving as well as the one that forgiveness is being offered to. Through forgiveness empathy and compassion can be demonstrated. 

Whether it be friendship, family, or a couple uniting having the ability to offer forgiveness can offer the chance of a strong relationship. There is no apology needed to give forgiveness as it is for the one offering rather tan for the one that needs it to feel better and perhaps in time the apology will come. However, the action of forgiveness helps one take full control of their feelings and helps one live a full life. After all forgiveness helps demonstrate that Love is stronger than hate.